Truth to Teens


Truth to Teens is a weekly blog for teenagers all over the world. Its purpose to give teens the truth about life, themselves, and God.

If you enjoy these weekly posts, please tell your teen friends about us.

Thanks and Blessings!

Dr. MaryAnn Diorio
Mom, Grandmom, and Certified Life Coach

List of Posts by Date:


2018-09-09 – How to Say “NO” to Sex before Marriage

2018-05-17 – IMPORTANT: Compliance with GDPR Regulations

2018-01-21 – What Ever Happened to Modesty?

2018-01-06 – How to Defeat Depresesion



2017-12-29 – Making the New Year. Your Best Yet

2017-12-17 – Walking the Walk with Jesus

2017-12-09 – How to Survive Cyber-Bullying

2017-11-27 -Are You Feeling Hopeless?

2017-11-23 -Look, Listen, and Love

2017-11-18 – How to Deal with Girl Drama

2017-11-10 – Say NO to Drugs! (Draft)

2017-10-28 – Are You an Approval Addict?

2017-10-09 – Horoscopes? Ouija Boards? Seances? Are They Really Harmless?

2017-09-27 – Why NOT to Follow the Crowd

2017-09-16 – Are You Drifting Away from the Lord?

2017-09-06 -What’s Ahead for Generation Z?

2017-08-19 – Solar Eclipse: A Warning from God

2017-08-09 – How to Deal with Bullying

2017-07-30 – To Follow or Not to Follow the Crowd



2016-10-28 – Are You Afraid of the Future?

2016-09-27 – Have You Answered Life’s Most Important Question?

2016-09-13 – How to Make Wise Decisions

2016-08-31 – Are You Following Jesus or Are You Following the Crowd?

2016-08-22 – Does Your Life Matter?

2016-08-08 – How to Keep Your Cool When Someone Offends You

2016-08-04 – Are You a Label-Conscious Person?

2016-07-14 – What Is the Meaning of Your Life?

2016-07-11 – Five Tips for Eliminating Stress

2016-07-04 – So, Do You Really Want to Commit Suicide?

2016-06-30 – 5 Ways to Grow in Christ

2016-06-16 – Are You Being Sucked In by the Apostate Church?

2016-06-07 – The Great Question of Today: What Is Truth?

2016-05-26 – Are You a Slave to the Lie?

2016-05-19 – Are You an Evil-Stopper?

2016-05-16 – How to Know What to Do with Your Life

2016-05-05 – What to Do If Your Parents Are Divorced

2016-05-02 – Staying Strong in Tough Times

2016-04-25 – Why Sex before Marriage Will Hurt Your Future

2016-04-11 – A Girl Has Gotta Have a Dream!

2016-04-07 – How to Say NO to Peer Pressure

2016-03-31 – Is Your Dream for Your Life God’s Dream for Your Life?

2016-03-22 – Where Do I Fit In?

2016-03-10 – Are You Going through a Rough Time?

2016-03-01 – Are You a Latch-Key Kid?

2016-02-25 – Are You a Complacent Christian?

2016-02-16 – Are You Falling for the Lie of Transgenderism?

2016-02-09 – How to Overcome an Inferiority Complex

2016-02-02 – Are You Getting Closer to Jesus Day by Day?

2016-01-26 – Where Am I Going?

2016-01-19 – Why Am I Here?

2016-01-14 – Who Am I?

2016-01-07 – What Is Your Keyword for the Year?



2015-12-29 – Are Goals Really Important?

2015-12-16 – How Can I Know If Something Is True or Not?

2015-12-08 –  Do You Struggle with an Eating Disorder?

2015-12-04 – Are You Spiritually Streetwise?

2015-11-30 – Boys! Oh, Boy!

2015-11-20 – How to Make Sense of a World Gone Crazy

2015-11-17 – Is There a Future for Me?

2015-11-10 – How to Break Free of the Chains of Addiction

2015-11-06 – What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

2015-11-03 – How Can I Be Saved?

2015-10-27 – What to Do When You’re Rejected

2015-10-23 – How to Get Closer to Jesus through Prayer

2015-10-20 – Why Should I Forgive Someone Who Hurt Me?

2015-10-16 – How to Vent the Right Way

2015-10-13 – Lollipops and Lima Beans: Living an Uncompromising Life

2015-10-09 – Fences

2015-10-06 – How to Come Out of Depression

2015-10-02 – What to Do When You Feel Lonely

2015-09-29 – Are You a Jelly Bean Girl or an M&M Girl?

2015-09-25 – Are You Allowing Yourself to Be Pressured by Your Peers?

2015-09-22 – Modesty: A Forgotten Virtue

2015-09-18 – Getting a Grip on Your Emotions

2015-09-15 – What’s This Life All About?

2015-09-11 – Should I Believe Everything My Teachers Say?

2015-09-08 – Are You Level-Headed?

2015-09-04 – Suicide: Life’s Biggest Cop-Out

2015-09-01 – How to Get Free of Worry

2015-08-28 – How to Heal a Broken Heart

2015-08-25 – How to Win the Guy Game

2015-08-21 – How to Win from Your Heart

2015-08-18 – How to Handle a Bully in Your Life

2015-08-13 – How to Make Smart Choices for Your Life

2015-08-11 – Designer Jesus

2015-08-06 – Your Heart Selfie

2015-08-04 – Dreams and Pizza

2015-07-30 – What Is Love?

2015-07-28 – I Wish I Were













Copyright 2016-2018 by MaryAnn Diorio, PhD. All Rights Reserved.